Global culturings of education

Friday October 18 -- 3:15-5:30 pm (Milbank Chapel)

Margaret Mead (among many others in the United States) and Meyer Fortes (among many others in England) examined the multiple institutionalized ways people around the world have developed for transforming children into adult participants. We know that the means and goals of this transformation were always contested, and nowhere more than in the situations of contact, migration, colonization, and global commercial exchanges. Anthropologists continue this work all around the world as they trace the movement of people, ideas, ideologies, practices, and their consequences for particular persons, whether high state officials debating schooling policies, restaurant workers figuring out what languages to learn, or women struggling to raise two or three sets of children in various location across the continents.

Chair: Darlene Dubuisson (Teachers College, Columbia University)

Discussant: Fida Adely (Georgetown University)

October 15, 2013